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Spread Smiles Every Day

I like to make people smile every day

it lets them know of this New Living Way

that JESUS makes a difference, YES!

Simply do this and others are BLEST.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2012

This comes natural to me and is contagious but each one has a laugh and a smile - share them around.

It's Nice to be Free

Freedom to be just what I am

You have for me such Perfect Plans

of things that suit me

and make me to be

confident and free to express

truly I would not settle for less

than Jesus' Very Best.

You give me Freedom to change

and to see a vision for change.

Things that hinder

I'd not want to linger

so I can adapt to new things.

Sometimes New Talents

are waiting for me

waiting for my discovery!

Janet Vargas © May 2012

This certainly is my story with Inspirational Web-Sites

and Poems. So often we don't know what He has in Store__ in Heaven and Here.

A Glorious Fast

Oh what a fast, a glorious fast

from earthly chores and religious laws

I invite you to spend a day this way

You'll find it makes such a difference.

From the cares of the world

and the cares of the church

that's partly in bondage like the world.

A walk with God is not a religious exercise

but one that's meant to be a blessing.

What is it for you__ Relationship or Religion?

Janet Vargas © April 2012

Simply Jesus

Whoever said that living for God is bad?

but lies from this world, they will make you sad.

Don't miss this life that Jesus intended

embrace it today and befriend it.

Those who truly find it say it's a GOOD

way to live

don't let your life go through a sieve

before you find it or it's too late

to enter through those Pearly Gates.

But a measure of Heaven is here as well

it should not have to be a hard sell.

And you'll find it Best at His request

"Follow Me", He said, not a church or man.

For Jesus, He speaks TRUE Words of Life

they were not meant for theory or strife.

If you take them Simply as they are

apply them daily and not wander far....

You will realize His intentions for you

are not for hardship and feeling blue

But some Heaven on earth then Heaven Above

this is the Legacy of His LOVE....

for those who Seek Him and want Him to be

ALL that He Promised to you and me.

Whoever said living for Jesus is hard?

they've not really known Him


Janet Vargas © Jan 2013

Come to Me

My mind is at rest

and my heart is at ease

when only You I've to please.

You said Come to Me and you'll

find such Rest.....

Rest that is Full and Free!

Janet Vargas © April 2012

To Walk with Jesus

Jesus, You're not a burden

You made us not to be heavily laden

with the cares of this life

and endless sermons...

You desire a walk with us,

one of simplicity__

where You relate to us

and we relate to You.

Life becomes such a BLESSING!

Janet Vargas © April 2012

Beauty Within

Beauty is not always without

but beauty can be within__

When you sing to Jesus

and worship Him.

He fills you to the brim

with His blessings Divine.

Yes I know that He is mine

Jesus, there is no-one like You

who can do the sweet things you do.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2012


He came to bring Peace

and sweet release

Joy for every heart

He wanted that from the start!

Father's Blessing

My Father's blessing day by day

as He gazes down on me

He keeps Care of me

with His Heavenly Host

to me He is the Most.

When I'm up there with Him

the Day that Jesus Comes

there will be such Joy!

and I will ENJOY__

more pleasures there ABOVE.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

'Tis a Sweet Reality

Christ is Risen for me

a sweet reality

Faith is sublime

"I know it's mine"

Whether I feel it or not

Jesus Rose for my Comfort

Jesus Rose for my Freedom

'Tis a sweet reality

when Faith Reigns over Reason.

Janet Vargas © Dec 2012

Walk in the Spirit

My heart could soar

where there is no law

in the Spirit I would walk

His Joy and Pleasure resting on me

and in His Presence His Secrets I see.

Yes, He truly Abides with me

and fills my heart with glee.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

He comes in our lives

so we can reflect Him

let not His Image be dim.

Vision of Heaven in Prayer

All this and more

at the Break of Dawn

I'm off to a New World to SEE

where the people there

are gathered in glee

like a GLASSY SEA.

I see them beckoning me

"Come with us up here

HIS GLORY is Everywhere"

I hear them cheering me!

"The Lord does valiantly

your life will be spent

in ceaseless praise

when you're gathered hear with us.

There's such BEAUTY everywhere

in His Glory you will share.

Heavenly BLESSINGS, Eternal Bliss

it's Marvelous UP HERE!"

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Good News Spreads

People like to hear a story

of the Christ who came from Glory.

Don't let it just be at Christmas time

but from our hearts and lives.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2012

They like to know the good things He does for us.

The things they can relate to - it spreads Hope and

it spreads Joy.........

Close to Jesus

In that Heavenly Place

where I gaze at Your Face

in my leisure time with You__

my heart knows such pleasure

You are my Treasure

You give me a Love that is True.

I worship and bless You

I like to adorn You

with my heart-felt Praise__

Just to sit at Your Feet

and to lovingly greet

Your Heart that's

entwined with mine.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

Walk with Me

Walk with Me in the Light

and let your spirit shine bright

Keep always My Words of Life in sight

and cling to Me.

Care not for the things of yesterday

but live with Me always for today

Be mindful of the words you say

and live for Me.....

I'll be your Guide as you stay by My side

in Me ABIDE.

Janet Vargas © Aug 2012

At Rest

Father, thank you for keeping me

my heart is rested and free

In Your Presence I do see

Your Favor ABIDES with me.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

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